Ongoing Solidarity Work

Media by Ana

“SB 8 poses a threat to anyone considered to have helped someone access abortion. Through possible monetary compensation it encourages private citizens to find anyone aiding in an abortion and sue them for abetting women. If successful with the lawsuit against either the provider or an individual who helps in any form — from a supportive friend accompanying a woman to a driver transporting her to the clinic, the accuser will receive a $10,000 bounty.”

“We lead in the struggles for workers’ rights, to cancel rent and stop evictions, as victims of police terror who refuse to back down, and against imperialist war. We organize the world workers deserve, the world we can and should run…

The fight for public education, childcare, maternity leave, jobs, health care, immigrant rights, housing, and the end of police brutality and racism are all women’s issues. They are all struggles that the working class has to win.”

Past Quotes & Interviews

“Teachers are still left in the dark. I don't know how my child will be tested. Of course, I think that should be mandated. Right now, it’s only seen as a suggestion.”

“[I]t is clear now that CPS has no concern for the safety of our children.”

“…That’s who this decision will affect — poor and working-class women.. … We have to fight for these protections to control our own bodies.”

“…One of my abortions was at a time where I did not have health insurance and it was difficult to find out my next steps in the abortion I knew had to happen for myself and my family.”

“We in the ANSWER Coalition stand with refugees and immigrants and will stand shoulder to shoulder with all those who want to build an independent people’s resistance to racism, U.S. war and all forms of bigotry.”

“There is a lot to be angry and sad about right now. It’s been over four years since Trayvon and two years since Ferguson and nothing fundamental has changed.”

“Santoyo also highlighted the hypocrisy of the city spending $95 million dollars to build a new and unnecessary cop academy, while the CTA is claiming a budget shortfall of a third of that amount that “requires” it to raise rates.”

“We can have healthcare, we can have food, we can have education.”